Hexagram 28 pathfinder. Great Success. Hexagram 28 pathfinder

Great SuccessHexagram 28 pathfinder  To deal with evil for the sake of good may leave one seen as part of the evil

And the still deeper secret of the secret: the land that is nowhere, that is your true home. Prosperity in both material possessions and inner peace is indicated. Perseverance despite the misjudgement of others is vital. The transformation is not necessarily unwelcome or uncomfortable. The Oracle. You try to fix the distant horizons. , "Get the message or suffer the consequences. Hexagram 61 Truth. Adversity is how life unleashes your excellence from within. This hexagram consists of Wonder above and Spirit below. The first line, divided, shows one wishing to advance,and (at the same time) kept back. Blofeld:The Family. I Ching Hexagram 14 Ta Yu (Great Possessing). I Ching Hexagram 20 Kuan (Contemplation). Liu: Clouds and thunder symbolize Difficulty at the Beginning. Each horizontal line has either a broken and unbroken state, allowing for a total of 64 possible combinations. Then success will come. HEXAGRAM NUMBER SIXTY-TWO -- SMALL POWERS . Spring is coming. Paintings and prescriptions hexagram 28. Action: Release Hu Gua (hidden influence) 53 Development: Permeate. 49 -- Metamorphosis -- 49 . At present, more sweeping actions are impossible. The progression in the hexagram is from ignorance to clarity, and then in line six, ignorance within clarity -- i. It shows men's minds alienated from correctness and sure to go on to disorder. Those who come and go use the well as a well. – GoethePathfinder Hexagram 01 Cause The model of the moment: The time is generally ripe for the triggering of a new event, or initiation of a fresh process. They. Eating properly implies care for oneself; providing healthy meals in the home implies caring for the family. 48: The Well. Hu Gua (hidden influence) 28 Critical Mass: Adjust. This is an especially good time for seeking such an avenue. Persistence in a direction harmonious with personal needs and the society one. Change with grace and elegance. The storage of reserves against hard times can benefit not only yourself but others. 27 -- Nourishment -- 27 . His well being is. Other titles: Preponderance of the Small, The Symbol of Excess in Small Things, The Small get by, Slight Excess, Small Exceeding, Small Surpassing, Excess of the Small, Small gains, Conscientiousness, Smallness in Excess, Exceeding the Mean, Proliferation. Don't neglect the other side when you concentrate on one of the two, they need each other. 2. Pathfinder Hexagram 32 Consistency The model of the moment: All of us require a certain stability or integrity of character, else we could not complete the tasks we undertake, or. 5. 28 -- Critical Mass -- 28 HEXAGRAM NUMBER TWENTY-EIGHT – CRITICAL MASS YiMagic YiMages Structures Mirrors origins Blog Hexagram 28 Dà Guò, across the great pass Gua Poem: Crossing the great pass: the ridgepole is sagging. F. You will slowly feel relief. Summer (13): Ripen the fruits by joining with others. The name of Hexagram 51, zhen 震, means Shock, Quake, and encompasses both thunder and earthquake. This time. Spring (43): Rouse new growth by decisively parting from old patterns. However, excessive possessions beyond any reasonable need may represent symptoms of spiritual or mental malaise. With economy, I can be liberal. Make a plan. Modesty does not mean you must feign weakness, or. Hu Gua (hidden influence) 23 Split Apart: Regenerate. People come and go, but the well remains a well. I Ching Hexagram 10 Lǚ (Treading) Action: Cautious Advance. When you place yourself in a position to help another, you will discover your greater capabilities. – EmersonPathfinder Hexagram 42 Benefit The model of the moment: This is a good time for any endeavor; but especially large ventures. There is a thing confusedly formed ~ life is an all or nothing equation. Action: Nurture. You may be in some danger for a short time. To ‘take’ her means to seize, as one might seize a criminal, but in this usage it’s something like the old-fashioned English, ‘taking a woman in marriage. HEXAGRAM NUMBER FORTY-FOUR -- TEMPTATION . The course usually recommended for such times: You should make it obvious to all that your own advance benefits everyone, both. The power comes from understanding the beast. Hexagram 22, Prescriptions. Hexagram 29 Kǎn Abyss. 38 -- Mutual Alienation -- 38 . NOTE: This is a quick port to the web of text I first wrote around 15 plus years ago. Cut losses and allegiances that hold you back from your. Nine in the. The wind trigram is known as a 'soft energy': both subtle and lacking in strength, and yet persistent and unwavering. Legge: Stress indicates that despite sincere motivations, one still. Thus our inner perspectives are often more obvious to others than we believe. In dealing with men, the Superior Man shows himself to be entirely void of selfishness. The course usually recommended for such times: Yielding to the forces at hand is appropriate. The characters share a root with the shi or Corpse Embodiers who were possessed by ancestor spirits at the shared meals and the shi or book diviners, the bamboo-shamans. [This hexagram describes your situation in terms of living and working with others in a common space. ’. Other titles: Coming to Meet, The Symbol of Meeting, Contact, Sexual Intercourse, Encountering, Coupling, Infiltration by Inferior Men, Adultery "Contains a definite warning about a person or situation which may appear harmless but will prove. "-- D. In human affairs, the making of decisions and. Do not despair. Constantly swimming in a sea of boundless opportunity leads to exhaustion. Historically, large changes have almost always had unforeseen results; many of which were disastrous in some way for those affected. The superior man knows the cause of error, and persists in his virtue to the end. Cleary (1):The Well: Changing the village, not changing the well; no loss, no gain. Top 9: Encountering (with) one's horn. The Master said: "Heaven and earth come together, and all things take shape and find form. Six in the third place42 -- Increase -- 42 . The noble one stands alone without fear, retreats from the world without melancholy. Let new developments be seen. ) The only 30 uc I can find is a tennis reading - prospects for Nadal in the 2010 Wimbledon final. Legge: During. Don’t just think about it, do something. HEXAGRAM NUMBER FIFTY-TWO -- KEEPING STILL . 6. Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa. Action: Prepare Hu Gua (hidden influence) 63 After Completion: Renew. The subject of the line does what she can to get out of danger, and finally, as is signified by the central position of the line, the issue is better than could have been expected. Expansion. Richard Wilhelm (1873 - 1930) Richard Wilhelm, born in 1873 in Germany, more than any other, is responsible for. Sears says the additions to the character are drummers; others say they are grain stalks. Hu Gua (hidden influence) 37 Family: Support. If the thirteenth hexagram depicts a process of uniting, the fourteenth might be seen as the completion of that process. Throughout all the cultures of the world, the well has served as a symbol for that which sustains life and provides a constant, inexhaustible source of nourishment. Pathfinder Hexagram 58 Encouragement The model of the moment: The watering of plants, gentle care of pets, nurturing of young children, and care of the sick or injured are all behaviors we take for granted. Hexagram 28 shares its core concept with 62: Exceeding, guo, great or small. Six in the Fourth Place. This is a time when it will be easy to cultivate mutual trust in relationships and partnerships. 5. Blofeld: This hexagram symbolizes the sky visible amidst the mountain peaks. Paintings and Prescriptions hexagram 55. Other titles: Revolution(s), Transformation, Skinning, The Bridle, The Symbol of Change, Molting, Leather, Skin, Molt, Cut Off, Changing, Radical Change, Overthrowing Judgment . Bring it out. They also define the boundaries of personal freedoms and responsibilities in the. Pure yang and pure yin 1 and 2. There is no real difficulty that requires outward movement. HEXAGRAM NUMBER SIXTY-TWO -- SMALL POWERS . Success comes when you can approach all of life without prejudice. Hexagram 28 - Ta Kuo. Summer (25): Ripen the fruits by clarifying your purpose. Hu Gua (hidden influence) 28 Critical Mass: Adjust. Pathfinder Hexagram 14 Independence The model of the moment: To control one's own fate requires security from inevitable downturns, and preparation for unexpected setbacks. It is while you are patiently toiling at the little tasks of life that the meaning and shape of the great whole of life dawns on you. 2. This is a time for self improvement and renewal. Life is a quarry, out of which we are to mold and chisel and complete a character. "-- D. To have found wholeness is the greatest blessing. ] Liu: Wind following wind symbolizes Penetration. Fresh activity is the only means of overcoming adversity. This symbolizes that some kind of deliverance is at hand. It combines the meanings lame, limping, hobbled, difficulties, poverty and suffering with the meanings straight, honest and frank. 5. Nine in the fourth place. Hu Gua (hidden influence) 2: Receptive: Yield. Reading at a Glance: At some. An empty sacrifice, a fruitless offering, wasted effort. Pathfinder Hexagram 26 Influence The model of the moment: The time is ripe for the mapping out of new and substantial ventures. Legge: The first line, magnetic, shows its subject proclaiming her pleasure and satisfaction. Outer to Inner: The process turns the Gatekeeper trigram in the outer world of 41 into the Groundbreaker trigram in the inner world of 42. Thoughts about hexagram 23: When consulting the I Ching people usually don’t like receiving hexagram 23, the dreaded Splitting Apart . “With gentle compassion, I can be brave. The power is in the toes, the lowest part of the body, and the very bottom of the hexagram. Its inner (lower) trigram is ☴ (巽 xùn) ground = (風) wind, and its outer (upper) trigram is ☱ (兌. Jian, limping invokes the culture hero Yu the Great, the Limping God who tamed the flood, created writing, cast the first sacred vessels and opened the channels of the Water Way. If you can turn towards it and cooperate, it will be a prosperous time. (Emphasis mine, Ed. But oftentimes we overlook healthy adults in our dispensation of loving care. If you cannot change the direction of the wind, adjust your sails and let it guide you. 62 -- Small Powers-- 62 . Top 6: The noble one changes like a leopard, small men shed the skin of the face. Other variations include "preponderance of the great", "great surpassing" and "critical mass". Contemplation of the way forces are gathered shows us the way of heaven, earth and all of nature. "-- D. Other titles: The Wanderer, The Symbol of the Traveler, The Exile, Sojourning, The Newcomer, To Lodge, To Travel, Traveling, The Stranger, Strangers, The Traveling Stranger, The Outsider, The Alien, The Gnostic, The Tarot Fool, Wandering, Homeless, Uncommitted, On Your Own, "Can refer to being out of one's element. All that is receptive, nurtures, gives form and substance and gives birth is at work. Pathfinder Hexagram 33 Retreat The model of the moment: This represents a time when one should yield to one's enemies and withdraw. Judgment. Wilhelm/Baynes: The Family . Hook . Excess of one thing attracts or causes its opposite. You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him to find it within. Hexagram 28 Ta Kuo Critical Mass. To set things right: pitfall. This suggests a compulsive, unconscious drive, or an ill-considered impulse to act. HEXAGRAM NUMBER TWENTY-NINE – DANGER . Hex. It enables a person to collect energy and move with Heaven, disentangled from the emotions of greed, anger, desire and ignorance. Compare the Judgment of this hexagram with hexagrams and lines 17:6, 45:2, 46:2, 46:4, 47:2, 47:5 and 63:5 for further insights on this extremely important tenet of the Work. Other titles: The Abysmal, The Symbol of Sinking, Water, The Abyss, Gorge, Repeating Gorge, Repeated Entrapment, Double Pitfall, Multiple Danger, Double Water, The Deep, Dark Forces, The Perilous Pit, "May not be as bad as it sounds, but whatever happens,. The model of the moment: Truth can be a powerful ally in the forging of new relationships, or the persuasion and influence of others. In the wake of a storm on land, deliverance can appear in the form. Don't worry about how or why the unexpected has wreaked misfortune upon your efforts. The Superior Man reflects in his person the glory of heaven's virtue. – Mahatma Ghandi. Hexagram 43 is called 夬, guai, which is generally understood to mean‘decision’ or ‘resoluteness’ or ‘breakthrough’. – Gloria AnzalduaCompulsion:1a. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 47 Oppression/Exhaustion: Adapt. From a bright inner nature stem wondrous outer circumstances in your life. In the Book of Changes it is said: `When three people journey together, their number decreases by one. Bad prospects for marriage or partnership. I express my highest creativity. This turns your need to manage the flow of life into. If you would hit the mark, you must aim a little above it; every arrow that flies, feels the attraction of the earth. The hexagram signifies that the ordinary, the lowly, are now in a position to do well. I Ching Hexagram 3 Chun (Difficult Beginnings). Nine in the fifth place changes to hexagram 46. Good fortune can come by accepting help from a simple sage. Blofeld: This hexagram symbolizes a favorable wind. 5. Cleary (1): For liberation, the southwest is beneficial. If you strive always to be on top, your fall may be. And success usually demands such a commitment. Hexagram 28. James DeKorne's Official Website - The Gnostic Book of Changes - Hexagram 28 THE GNOSTIC BOOK OF CHANGES Please select the chapter or hexagram below! New: download the complete Gnostic Book of Changes here! New: a hexagram key has been added to the menu. The Pair 1:2 Force and Field is an Engine of Change that develops the transformative power to both inspire and realize things. – Chinese ProverbPathfinder Hexagram 30 Cooperation The model of the moment: Early in our evolution, humanity learned a valuable lesson. [This hexagram describes your situation in terms of a disturbing and inspiring shock. Legge: The free course. –PlatoPathfinder Hexagram 04 Learning The model of the moment: Here a new unknown is encountered for the first time. HEXAGRAM NUMBER FORTY-FOUR -- TEMPTATION . Though you feel held back, this is for your own good. With hexagram 28, this is a question about renouncing the world, and getting out of dodge, because your world in this situation will collapse. Transformation is available or has come. The course usually recommended for such times: Save your efforts for a more opportune time, child. Golden . The hexagram deals with the union between the ruler and his ministers -- between high and low in the kingdom. I Ching Hexagram 56 Lu (The Wanderer). Hu Gua (hidden influence) 23 Split Apart: Regenerate. Shaughnessy: Gathering men at first weeping and wailing, but later laughing; the great captains succeed in meeting each other. If the thirteenth hexagram depicts a process of uniting, the fourteenth might be seen as the completion of that process. While some obscure Sumerian or Egyptian texts may pre-date it slightly, the I Ching is unique in that it is more available today than at any other time in its history: it has to be the oldest continuously published book on the planet. ’ If a man carefully examines his thoughts, he will be surprised to find how much he lives in the future. Six in the fourth place changes to hexagram 6. HEXAGRAM NUMBER FOUR -- INEXPERIENCE . HEXAGRAM NUMBER SIXTY-THREE – COMPLETION . e. He rides over water in a vessel of wood, and will cross the great stream with success. Hexagram 1 is so simple it’s tremendously hard to get to grips with. Li (Clarity) Action: Perceive. Voyager, there are no bridges; one builds them as one walks. – six solid, ‘yang’ lines, pure and whole, light with no shade, no nuances, no spaces, no ‘picture’. 63 - Every cycle seeks perfection. Content in your power, you have no need to engage the obstacle. The I-Ching translation of Richard Wilhelm, rendered in English by Baynes, also translated this word as "The Army". Legge:Liberation finds advantage in the southwest. Oracle of Love. The old character shows a scholar, or an impressive man, and half the character for ‘tree’. Overload. I Ching Hexagram 43 Guai (Determination). This situation speaks to both teachers and students; to the circumstance of knowledge being passed from one generation to the next. Editor: Because this is the ruler of the hexagram, it is portrayed as a wise judge who settles the matter of contention justly. 27: Nourishment. )The old character has two components: rain, and chen, the name of the fifth Earthly Branch in the Chinese. Strip away your negativity and take action. 38: Diverging Interests. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 51 Shocking: Arouse. The mention of seven days in the Judgment and the winter solstice in the Image tells us that the hexagram of Return deals with cyclic progression. The Pair 29:30 Ghost River and Radiance is an Engine of Change that develops the courage to accept all challenges and the clarity to be of help to others. Bad prospects for marriage or partnership. The progression in the hexagram is from ignorance to clarity, and then in line six, ignorance within clarity -- i. Your motives are good. 44 -- Temptation -- 44 . 6. The central idea is. Action: Reignite. When going nowhere, the return brings good fortune; when going somewhere, promptness brings good fortune. The other two hexagrams that contain the idea of advance are number thirty-five, Advance of Consciousness and number forty-six, Pushing Upward -- each expresses its own nuance of meaning, and here the nuance is the gradual manner in which the advance takes place. I wrote about this a while ago: Hexagrams 28 and 62 are both about guo: ‘passing, going by, exceeding’. Such movement is a reversal of polarities. Don’t be severe or confine your feelings. All of life will not change you; it unfolds as a way to unmask you. 2 > 31 Both hexagram suggests contact, so I would say Yes. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 15 Authenticity: Balance. A great pressure is causing an imbalance that needs correction. Pathfinder Hexagram 13 Community The model of the moment: Here an already existing group is found to be appropriate for the time and circumstances. This powerful hexagram which in its most literal sense means "heaven" supporting the "earth" is an indication of peace and favorable times. 39 -- Impasse -- 39 . It shows men's minds alienated from correctness and sure to go on to disorder. The Superior Man manages the situation by subduing his need to speculate, meddle, or call attention to himself. I Ching Hexagram 33 Tun (Retreat). I Ching Hexagram 58 Tui (Joy). Going about things the wrong way, whether in work or love, leads one to dissatisfaction and restlessness. Without fault. I Ching Hexagram 59. 5. e. The simplicity starts with its shape –. The brightness lights up the night sky like a sacred flame. It is a hand holding the Moon, a Master of Change. iChing 28: Excessive Pressure 28: Excessive Pressure Something is about to collapse. Success comes when you untangle the knots and soften the glare. HEXAGRAM NUMBER FIFTY-SIX – TRANSITION . A hex is a short-term effect generated on the fly from your patron's magic, requiring your familiar to draw from your patron. "-- D. The resulting totality is more than the sum of its parts. Wilhelm/Baynes. If this is the only changing line, the new hexagram becomes #57, Penetration, with the corresponding advice: “In advancing and retreating, the perseverance of a warrior furthers. To unfold its leaves in the cold would be too difficult and dangerous. Cleary (1): Being strong, yet acting submissively, the submissiveness subdues the strength, and strength cannot act on its own. The theme of the hexagram is the advance of men to offices in the state -- how it. When the world grows dark, your inner light is given definition. Hu Gua (hidden influence) 23 Split Apart: Regenerate. Pathfinder Hexagram 41 Burden The model of the moment: This could involve a personal sacrifice on your part, such as in paying taxes. Humiliation but the end is reached. The lesson of the hexagram is that the nourishing of men of talent and virtue intimates great progress and success. Pathfinder Hexagram 09 Binding The model of the moment: Here some element, weak in itself, draws strength from the situation to successfully restrict or move a much more formidable entity. The Superior Man, taking his stance as righteousness requires, adheres firmly to heaven's decrees. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 8 Union: Discover. Other titles: The Symbol of Rising and Advancing, Ascending, Ascension, Rising, Promotion, Advancement, Sprouting from the Earth, Organic Growth Judgment . Seek shelter from the storm. Tai, Pervading is the fluid metabolism of things, the flow, the streaming of the Way and the rising juices of sexual attraction, joy and ecstasy. I Ching Hexagram 53 Ji’an (Development). Compare the Judgment of this hexagram with hexagrams and lines 17:6, 45:2, 46:2, 46:4, 47:2, 47:5 and 63:5 for further insights on this extremely important tenet of the Work. Hexagram number 61 signifies a deep bond or feeling of kinship. Hexagram 30 Li Clarity. Hexagram #61: Wind over Lake. Huan (Dispersion) Action: Flow. 29 -- Danger --29 . ) The good auspice is due to this flexibility, but in either instance the following must be guided by a reference to what is correct. Hu Gua (hidden influence) 54 Propriety: Subordinate. They must take all available precautions and, above all, keep going forward, so as to remove themselves from harm’s way. Security comes from appropriate reserves of goods or funds, set aside during periods of surplus. Kǎn (Abyss) Action: Relinquish Hu Gua (hidden influence) 27: Nourishing Vision: Nurture. Lake is called the youngest daughter, and Mountain the youngest. Take responsibility. 24. Blofeld: This hexagram symbolizes a lake situated upon a mountain. 6. Ritsema/Karcher: Shake, Growing. Hexagram 60 - Chieh. This hexagram (36) in particular has shown itself three times over in recent readings, line 6 in particular. The heart grows daily humbler, while the virtue grows daily higher. Its symbol is a hand offering meat or flesh, a sacrifice that leads to the shared meal with humans and spirits. No challenge is greater than that of providing leadership to a group. Other titles: Break-through, The Symbol of Decision, Resolution, Determination, Parting, Removing Corruption, Eradication Judgment . Those who construct their own projections of what the future will bring, and invest heavily in related. Harvesting: woman Trial. Let outer appearance reflect inner worth. Truth is strongest when undiluted by the flavor of personal desires. Endure it as best you can, for your enemies are too strong for you to overcome now. – Longfellow58 -- Joy (Self-indulgence) -- 58 . Zong Gua (underlying cause) 43: Determination: Breakthrough. Note that inertia of behavior and preferences will naturally recall old patterns here, if allowed. Great hearts steadily send forth the secret forces that incessantly draw great events. To have a gelded boars tusk is to have power over something that could have attacked you. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 29 Abyss: Relinquish. It has an encouraging future to look forward to. Paintings and Prescriptions hexagram 54. Fourth, the combined trigrams of shock and light (thunder and lightning) suggest a sudden and numinous illumination: the sort of en-light-enment. It is of benefit to continue. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 4 Youthful Folly: Try Again. Legge: The hexagram of Expansion denotes a state of dissipation or dispersion. Crisis! Are you overburdened? Are you in over your head by taking on more than you can do? Or is the situation brought on by some force of nature that you have no control over?. I Ching Hexagram 50 Ting (Cauldron). Blofeld: This hexagram symbolizes thunder over a pool. When you merge the world in here with the world out there your destiny is revealed. ( Alternate: When in the presence of arrogance, the wise man plays the fool. The course usually recommended for such. Hexagram 28 • Excess • Ta Kuo; Hexagram 29 • The Abysmal Water • Kan; Hexagram 30 • The Clinging Fire • Li;. You can’t force things before the right time for action. I Ching Hexagram 38 K’uei (Opposition). Putting the two together gives four strong lines in the. The king's mind is without any deflection as he goes to his ancestral temple. Search from your highest chakra with light in your eyes of a hungry tiger to find the right people who will help with sharing nourishment for all. Hexagram 53, Paintings and Prescriptions. Brighten people’s understanding. Let go. The possibilities are many. ] Liu: Wind following wind symbolizes Penetration. Wasteful efforts will exhaust reserves and leave important tasks incomplete. The wind trigram is known as a 'soft energy': both subtle and lacking in strength, and yet persistent and unwavering. ’. Nine in the fifth place changes to hexagram 46. The guidance of the I Ching will turn on and tune up your intuition. The unexpected is by definition beyond our ability to grasp beforehand. There is disturbance by unusual needs and events. If not resolved it could cause you long term damage. Nine in the first place changes to hexagram 29. – James. Erica Garvin What Is I Ching Hexagram 28 All About? Ta Kuo is the Chinese name of the I Ching Hexagram 28. Domination. The other two hexagrams that contain the idea of advance are number thirty-five, Advance of Consciousness and number forty-six, Pushing Upward -- each expresses its own nuance of meaning, and here the nuance is the gradual manner in which the advance takes place. Our antagonist is our helper. "-- D. Reading at a Glance: You are being sincere but may feel obstructed. Hexagram #28: Lake over Wind. Substantiality is better than ornament. 6. If you get even one outside-the-box idea or inspiration that helps you make a more creative or timely decision, the Visionary I Ching has done its job — helping you to make better decisions, better relationships and less stress!. Legge: The hexagram of Expansion denotes a state of dissipation or dispersion. Hexagram 12, Paintings and Prescriptions. 56 -- Transition -- 56 . Hu Gua (hidden influence) 28 Critical Mass: Adjust. Paintings and Prescriptions hexagram 24. You are always on the threshold of change; how you approach it will determine your success. Action: Permeate. In Critical Mass four dynamic lines lurk inside of the hexagram, weakly contained at top and bottom by two magnetic lines. Just declaring your intent is not enough. I Ching Hexagram 41 Sun (Decrease). Reading at a. Don’t blame the field. Nine in the second place changes to hexagram 3. Reach for the stars, but don't fly too high all at once. Participate with life; do not mystify it. A load is getting too heavy to bear. One can thereby gradually get to the realm of sages. Line-1. Circumstances will help you adjust. Blofeld: This hexagram symbolizes fire upon wood. To have one's inner forces correctly united is indeed Possession in Great Measure, which is the title that Wilhelm gives to this figure. F. –Sir Edwin ArnoldPathfinder Hexagram 07 Leadership The model of the moment: The quality of leadership has often changed the course of history. His being clothed in simple white crowns the lesson that ornament must be kept in a secondary place. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 44: Coming to Meet: Encounter. Pathfinder Hexagram 21 Correction The model of the moment: Compromise is unsuitable in this circumstance, child.